Crucial conversationsThe following article is a summary and paraphrases of the book Crucial Conversation. It is one of the rare book that helped me in my…Aug 16, 2020Aug 16, 2020
Qu’est ce que j’ai faitToujours un double sens entre tes pensées élancées et la gourde de tes actions.Nov 19, 2019Nov 19, 2019
What is it to be OmnivoreWhy are we disgust by some food and keep craving for some other, how our culinary system developed and our sense of taste is linked to our…Nov 16, 20191Nov 16, 20191
Letter to future generationSaying that we are sorry is an easy escape. We messed up really badly for a short timespan of 40 years.Aug 18, 2019Aug 18, 2019